Saturday 18 May 2013

Love Happens

I am sitting here and thinking about that One Day. . .
The day I & You - We met! 

Your innocence and those baby talk, 
It kept me awake in the morning till 4'o Clock! 

The long night and our never ending conversation, 
I fell for you and you became my passion!

We began as strangers, we became friends,   
Love kept growing and was not meant to end!  

Our love was incomplete without fight, 
We did break-up to make-up by the end of the night! 

Sometimes I behaved badly and made you cry, 
But I love you more than I can express my pumpkin-pie! 

Trust me OLiVE, I will always be your lover,
'Cos you only said - we are together & forever! 

Though we are 1000 miles apart, 
You are always with me in my heart!

Sunday 12 May 2013

I'll be here... Waiting!

Sometimes I feel gloomy and lonely and I find no one to comfort me. I feel empty like I am missing a part of me. I wish that you will hear my silence among all hues and cries. I wish that you will see my pain behind this comfort. I wish that you will understand these tears disguised as smile.  These wishes, I know, will never come true. But its not your fault 'cos you will never know it all as I am hiding behind this mask I'm wearing and waiting that someday you will find me!
Till then, I'll be here... Waiting! 

“We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.”